欢迎来到蒙大拿科技社区!  This page was developed to help get you started at Montana Tech and to teach you about our various student information systems.  You're encouraged to work closely with the department head in the program in which you're teaching to be sure that you're aware of the course expectations and student learning outcomes that are associated with the course you're teaching.  另外,请务必复习 期末考试时间表 and the 校历 重要日期.

教员/员工手册 & 手册确认表格



Mid-Term Grades

Final Grades

Office Hours

Online Learning





我们所有的教员都有菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的电子邮件账户. This is how we notify you when and for whom to submit 20th day and 40th day mid-term grades, 当下学期的课程表准备好查看时, 当期末成绩到期时, etc. You can access your email account from off-campus by clicking on the email link in the top menu of any Montana Tech web page.

如果你不确定你在哪个大学,你可以联系I.T. Help Desk at 406-496-4244 or ithelpdesk@lwangxu.com.  Your college computer coordinator can also provide you with technical support for your classroom.


MyMtech Site 是我们学生信息系统的在线版本吗. 这是你输入学生期中和期末成绩的地方.

Mid-Term Grades

All faculty are required to post grades for the following categories of students to MyMtech on the 20th and 40th day of classes:

  • 所有高地学院学生
  • All Freshmen (Students with under 30 credits hours earned - you will receive a list of students in your classes who fit the category.)
  • 所有学生入读m171(微积分)及以下课程
  • 所有参加化学153H及以下课程的学生

数学、化学和高地大学的老师会 not receive lists of students who required mid-term grades because they will be reporting all 那些特定课程的学生.

20th day mid-term grades are reported as satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNSAT).  第40天的期中考试以字母等级(A, A-, B+, B, B-等)报告.).  所有期中成绩公布后, the advisors are sent reports identifying the students that are struggling so they can contact them and offer their assistance.  这是我们最重要的侵入性咨询活动之一, 所以及时输入期中成绩是很重要的.

To post mid-term grades, log into MyMtech and click on the Faculty Services tab. 点击期中成绩,然后选择合适的学期.  Select the CRN for the course you want to post grades for and click on Submit. 你只需要为学生选择合适的年级....最后出席日期和出席时间不需要.  When you're finished entering the grades, click on the Submit button at the bottom.

Final Grades

Final grades are due at noon on the first Tuesday following the last day of the semester. To enter final grades for your student, log into MyMtech and click on the Faculty Services tab. 点击Final Grades,然后选择合适的学期. Select the CRN for the course you want to post grades for and click on Submit.

Office Hours

All faculty, 包括兼职教师, are required to establish at least three office hours per week to assist students with any questions they may have. 如果学校没有办公空间,可以提供办公时间, 我们有Wimba供您使用.  Wimba is a web conferencing tool you can use to provide office hours virtually from your home computer. If you're interested in using Wimba for your office hours, please contact Kathy Stevens at kstevens@lwangxu.com or (406) 496-4837.

Online Learning

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院有很好的在线学习资源. Moodle is a course management system that can be used to enhance the learning experience. This system can be used to supplement the face-to-face curriculum or can be used to facilitate classes that are taught strictly online. How much or how little Moodle is used is left to the instructor's discretion.  Contact the I.T. Help Desk at kb.lwangxu.com or call 406-496-4244.

Web Resources: Moodle 2 Help http://kb.lwangxu.com
Skype for Business: http://kb.lwangxu.com/moodle-instructor/Skype-for-Business



All faculty, 包括兼职教师, are required to have students evaluate their courses each time the course is taught.  You will receive an email via your Montana Tech email account regarding when your students will be required to evaluate your course. 在课程结束后提交成绩, 你应该期待系主任对你的教学进行简短的回顾.

Library Pages

蒙大拿科技图书馆 包含丰富的信息,如书籍, articles and journals; and fantastic search tools to help you find whatever you need.  与你所在部门的图书管理员联系,寻求研究方面的帮助, 图书馆的指令, 关于图书馆服务和馆藏的信息, 以及其他与图书馆有关的问题. Your subject specialists are knowledgeable about the nature of the research and scholarly communication within the academic units to which they are assigned. They develop and manage collections and provide access to information resources in support of the curricular and research missions of the colleges, schools, 以及分配给他们的部门.